Since I got a detached garage, the attached garage slowly became a store.
I decluttered the house only for the things I had set aside to end up in the garage.
On an auspicious day, I decided it was high time I cleaned up the garage and got rid of everything I had not used in the past year. As I went through one of the boxes, I came to a small box that mostly contained receipts. There was one for when I bought my first intelligent thermostat, which was my first step toward a smart HVAC. I now had the entire range and what I called a smart home. The previous HVAC equipment did not have additional air purification help, but I was not very keen on such matters at the time. Later on, I had the HVAC technician install a whole-home air purification system working together with the HVAC system to maintain good air quality. The subsequent receipt I looked at was even older, it was for the last duct cleaning, and I was shocked that it was more than six years old. I could not even begin to imagine the state of the ductwork. The dirt must be giving the air filter twice the work, not to mention compromising the indoor air quality because they circulated the dust throughout the house. I had probably ignored the notification. Even with an air purification system, the vents needed cleaning. It was time to call the home service providers. I immediately took out my phone and made the call. I made an appointment with the HVAC professional for later in the day. After air purification, I went back to clear my garage. It took me a whole day to go through only half the things in the garage. I donated some and got rid of others.