I think I will go food shopping earlier than usual this week to avoid the rush hour crowds.
It’s slowest between 3 and 3:30, so I guess I’ll go then and do more work online when I get home.
If I wait too long, there are long lines at the checkout counter and it takes me a long time to get home. Today is Wednesday, and all I have to do tonight is a light leg workout on the beach. That’s about it for the afternoon. Starting tomorrow, the air conditioning will be on because it’s getting too hot and I want to be comfortable when I’m working in my office. I’m also doing laundry this week, which isn’t too hard in the big picture. I want to go to bed early, and with the mini split air conditioner in my living room, I might need to cool down my room tonight. It is getting too warm to sleep with just a fan, and I am not sure if the fan will keep me comfortable tonight. The ductless mini split in my room works well, and if I run it for a couple of hours, I should be fine with just the fan for the rest of the night. I also open my window at night to get some fresh air and save money by not using my air conditioner. I hope the combination of the mini split air conditioner, the fan, and the fresh air from the open window will help me get a good night’s sleep tonight.