Every once in awhile I guess that I can be a pretty vindictive person.
- I generally feel like I take the high road and let people carry on with their best lives as they see fit.
However, every so often, I do get involved in some shenanigans that are a bit more resentful than necessary. For instance, when my old boss decided that he was going to give me a demotion and reduce my pay, I decided that I was going to report his illegal spending to the government. When my oldest brother threw me under the bus and told my mom about my new boyfriend, I told her all about his weed dealing business. Most recently, I took the liberty to make some adjustments to my ex-boyfriend’s smart thermostat in response to his terrible behavior during our break up. Since he wanted to play games with me, I decided it was fair to play with his indoor Heating and Cooling settings. I’m fairly aware of his schedule, so I know when he’s going to be out of the house and I can safely adjust the indoor air temperature up or down. When I want to make sure he has a bad month, I adjust the central heating and cooling system so that it’s running at very high power during the day while he’s out of the house. By the time he returns home, the indoor air temperature is back to the normal settings. He has no idea that I cranked his AC and forced air furnace on a regular basis. I assume he has no clue why his energy bills have been two or three times higher since I left him.