Customer locks me out of their house, tools are inside

You never know what you are going to get when it comes to other human beings.

Even when you have known somebody for 50 years they can turn on a dime. Unluckyly, I know this all too well from interacting with my family. One day everyone is pleasant and good to be around. It feels like we’re a real family equipment and my pal and I have each other’s backs. A week later everyone is fighting like cats and pets. I might not hear from them for another year after some tiny squabble that never needed to happen. To make my life more complicated, I interact with a lot of humans on a correct basis for my job. This means I have a lot of possibilities to be blindsided by unusual human behavior. As a certified heating, cooling, and ventilation specialist working in a demanding climate I never know what kind of shopper I am going to get when I answer their Heating and A/C repair calls. Dispatch sends me out to routine repair appointments for central heating and cooling systems as well as emergency Heating and A/C repair jobs. Periodically the Heating and A/C shoppers are severely kind and hospitable. Other times, the owners of ailing heating, cooling, and ventilation devices are absolute monsters. It’s most baffling when my residential Heating and A/C shoppers are both personality types in one appointment. This is what happened yepterday when a legitimately nice woman kindly paid me for her cooling system repair and then refused to let me get my tools back. I had left my Heating and A/C repair tools in her basement and commanded a quick trip to retrieve my necessary items. The woman literally shut and locked her front door in my face moments after telling me I was the best Heating and A/C tech she ever had. Sigh, people.

zone controlled hvac



