Even as a kid he never had an air conditioner

Sunday is the day Max usually just relaxes and does very little.

That’s most Sundays, but he has a lot to do.

Max has to mow the grass, trim the bushes and disinfect the pool. He has been lazy about so much and a few other things he has to do. Max didn’t want to do anything, however the first thing he felt when he woke up was the amazing cool air in his locale. He can’t believe it took him so long to invest in a heat pump. All these years, even as a kid Max never had air conditioning so he never knew what it was like. Today is going to be a moderate afternoon so Max steps outside in his PJ’S and oh boy, it’s like 94 outside. He doesn’t know how much he’ll do outdoors but Max knows he will need lots of water and he’ll be hanging out in his air conditioning home a lot. The only thing that worries him is that he forgets how often he has to get his air filters changed or any sort of repair done to his Heating, Ventilation & A/C system. He’ll have to call the Heating, Ventilation & A/C company Monday to ask these questions. Max knows it’s crucial to keep up on the heating and cooling system so he doesn’t want to let breakdown because he didn’t take care of it. He can tell already that he is going to have a taxing time doing any jobs since the temperatures outside are just beyond anything he’d like. Max has to chop the grass at least.



New air conditioning information



