Getting HVAC for these critters

Man, I definitely do live with a bunch of critters.

That’s true in a much odd way now than it was when I was in university.

Those dudes were in fact critters. But these afternoons, I’m sharing our house with a bunch of critters who need new homes. My husbandy started bringing home abandoned pets to the central air conditioning of our home. And from there, this whole thing started. My husbandy would start finding new homes for these critters he found & he was definitely great at it. I feel news spread because lots of people quickly were looking to his for help with stray critters. There was only so multiple furry critters that I could handle living with us inside the central air conditioning of our home. I was all for doing whatever I could to support my husbandy when it came to this new passion. At the same time, I wasn’t prepared to sacrifice my HVAC device to all these critters. There was so much pet dander & fur in the air that it was literally clogging the HVAC filter. It got so bad that I was changing those air filters on nearly a weekly basis. Not only was it tough on the HVAC device but it wasn’t all that pleasant on me either. So my associate and I ended up putting on an attachment to the garage where my associate and I could have all the critters stay. The local HVAC supplier even came through for us with a ductless heat pump. It was definitely a recycled ductless heat pump that had come out of a recently renovated home. Now, it’s providing the heating & cooling comfort a bunch of attractive critters.

a/c worker



