So I’m serious this year.
We are going to be proactive when it comes to how we deal with the cooling that we need in our homes.
This will be our fourth spring and summer. It’s time that we faced the fact that it’s going to be hot and humid here. Hiding inside the air conditioning of a home or office is not the way to deal with that fact. As a family, we need to embrace the fact that while we aren’t natives of the area, we are now locals. So we need to act like it. No more just letting the air conditioning run wild inside our home any longer. I had utility bills that were so high, I had to dip into savings. That’s just not happening any longer. That’s why I pulled together a bit of a family meeting with the kids, my wife and me. I laid out my thoughts and my strategy. First, we aren’t reaching for the thermostat because the temperatures are in the 80s during the peaking heating hours of the day. Those days are coming as we are now just about to the first of March. Instead of going right to the air conditioning, we are going to acclimate to the rising temperatures and humidity levels. There will be a time soon enough that the heat pump is running night and day to provide cooling. But if we can learn to live with the heat, we’ll need much less air conditioning through the summer. And we’ll start acting as we live here instead of being afraid of the heat. Of course, there will be air conditioning in our home. But I just want all of us to pull in the same direction to reduce these insane utility bills due to non-stop air conditioning in the summer.