I was getting used to the heat

When you live in constant heat, you begin to get used to it.

Sometimes, you don’t even realize it’s hot anymore, you just become used to it. When I first moved into my current state, I was not used to the hot weather, it took me a while to get used to the weather. But those first few weeks were difficult to get through. Especially during the night. Even though it cools down a lot at night, it was hard to sleep due to the intense temperatures. Your body naturally sleeps better at cooler temperatures. But like I said before, you do get used to it. When I married my current wife, she lived in cool and mild temperatures her entire life, and so moving for her was definitely a difficult adjustment. She kept constantly complaining about how hot the temperatures were, and how she was constantly wanting to mess with the air conditioner. The air conditioning machine I had gotten used to keeping it turned off, and so I didn’t use the cooling machine all that often. But because my wife kept complaining I turned the cooling device on for a few hours of the day, which helped. But like me, I knew she was eventually just going to have to get used to the intense heat. Her suffering brought back memories of my own miserable overheated days, and I am glad I am used to it now. It almost feels weird to have a cool home once you are used to the heat.



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