My baby needs a wisdom tooth extraction

I told her that that does not make any sense at all plus there is no way that that is going to work

Much to her dismay, my teenage kid is going to be needing a wisdom tooth extraction done really soon… She has been dreading this for a while now, because she really hates going to the medical professional. She does not even love going to the medical professional office to get a teeth cleaning done once a year. She would rather stay at lake condo plus do just about anything than go to the medical professional with me, i keep telling her that family dental care is really important plus she consistently needs to come with us whenever the two of us go to the medical professional. She has told myself and others that she wants to get invisible braces, yet she does not want to go to the medical professional to get fitted for the braces! She said she would just send the dental office a picture of her teeth. I told her that that does not make any sense at all plus there is no way that that is going to work. She consistently complains about the fact that she has sensitive teeth, although I don’t even think if that is tscheme or not. I guess she is really just sensitive! I would not mind paying for her to get invisible braces, although she is going to have to really go into the medical professional office plus do all of the orthodontics appointments. I told her that if she doesn’t agree to doing that, then I am not going to pay for the invisible braces at all, but once she realizes how much invisible braces cost, I guess she’s gonna be way more likely to go to the medical professional when I ask her to.

Wisdom Teeth Removal



