My HVAC technician is on the run

The sad thing is that my dad said he was a great guy and they had a great conversation about our local football team while he was here

Watching TV the other day with my dad and a special news break stopped us from watching our favorite car show. Apparently, it’s a hit and run and someone is being held hostage. After a few minutes of the live feed of what was going on the hostage was a woman in her early 30s by the name of Barbara Singleton and she is a local resident from where we live, maybe a block or two from us. The helicopter that is providing the news feed is following an HVAC van. You can see several cop cars following it and it is a scary sight to see. Then they released the name of the person driving the HVAC van, his name was Walter Greenley. My dad opened his eyes wide and said that is the guy who the heating and cooling company sent to our house three days ago to service our central heating. My dad turned the volume up on the TV and listened intensely. All you can hear from him is “holy moly,” “wow,” and “this guy.” He muttered other choice words which are not very nice I can say. He can’t believe that a heating technician was on the run before our eyes and he had a conversation with him. The sad thing is that my dad said he was a great guy and they had a great conversation about our local football team while he was here. They even exchanged numbers and thought it would be cool to go out for a drink next weekend. I think my dad learned that day that people can be crazy behind closed doors.

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