Please watch your teenagers; here to repair Heating and A/C, not babysit

I’m not one of those people who cherish children.

I knew a long time ago that I would not be procreating for my own purposes.

If I ever do wind up with teenagers it’s going to be on accident or through adopening much later in my life. I will never be the type of human who settles down, cranks out a bunch of babies, and spends my entire life taking care of rugrats who do not enjoy me. That’s why I have a hard time when I am forced to be around other people’s children as though they are my own. I never entered a work field that I anticipated overlapping with childcare. When I went to heating, cooling, and ventilation technical university I expected to become a certified air quality control specialist who worked hands-on with cooling system units and forced air heaters everyday. Never did I expect that my work in the heating, cooling, and ventilation industry would ever involve children running around at my feet. However, unluckyly, it seems like many local homeowners do not share my opinion about heating and cooling my responsibilities. I learned this the hard way early on when I would arrive at heating, cooling, and air quality control appointments ready to perform diagnostic and upgrade services for indoor air handling devices… Only to wind up with a room full of children screaming at me. People are constantly inconsiderate with leaving their teenagers in my care as I tried to repair their Heating and A/C systems. Nothing makes me happier to get a vasectomy than babysitting a handful of teenagers while I try to repair an cooling system unit.

heater maintenance



