Put an AC unit in the barn and I’ll live there

I figure, somebody has to be getting rid of an old air conditioning window unit one of these days

Sometimes my family absolutely drives me crazy. I’m a relatively private human being and I like to have my alone time so that I can work on my various projects and interests. Unfortunately, my family isn’t very respectful of my privacy or my desire to just hang out by myself. This means, I’m always running all over the house trying to get away from them and their nosy antics. Recently, it got so bad that I started looking for a new place to spend my time. I realized, the outdoor barn isn’t so bad as long as I can manage to cool down the swelteringly hot summer air that gets trapped inside. Not only is the outdoor climate extremely hot and humid right now, but the barn effectively bakes whatever volume of air gets trapped inside. Then, it’s boiling hot to the point of being unsafe. Spending any time in the barn without some form of ventilation or air conditioning would actually be dangerous. I would be at risk of dehydration and overheating in that extreme heat. That’s why I started going out dumpster diving every chance that I got for the past week. I figure, somebody has to be getting rid of an old air conditioning window unit one of these days. As soon as I do, I’m going to scoop it up and fit it into the little barn. When I finally have some indoor air temperature control in my miniature space, I can finally relax and have some time to myself. It seems like it’d be a lot less effort for my family to just leave me alone.


smart thermostat



