Solving the Cold Office Problem

I work in an office with two other ladies plus two men.

  • It’s a supplier office where the guys wear suits all day long, plus my pal and I ladies wear pant suits or dresses.

My associate and I understand that the guys get tepid in their suits plus that’s why the a/c is kept down so low, but the office is often chilly.We live in a subtropical area plus my pal and I rarely need heat. My associate and I run the a/c all year long plus my pal and I men suffer all year long. My associate and I men wore our jackets, but they did nothing to moderate our hands. Although my pal and I got few complaints, our clients often appeared cold, all except for the other guys in suits. My associate and I men occasionally complained among ourselves plus one year, my pal and I finally agreed to do something about it. My associate and I had a absolutely creative idea. It was almost Christmas time plus my pal and I were thinking about our annual gift exchange. My associate and I decided that my pal and I would get the two guys in the office portable cooling systems to put in their office so that my pal and I could run the office central a/c at a more comfortable temperature for us. It was a little costlier than our usual gift exswings, but my pal and I didn’t mind. It was the perfect idea! Now my pal and I can set the central a/c at seventy-four degrees plus the guys in suits won’t sweat because they have the portable cooling systems in their offices. This turned out to work charmingly, plus working in the office is much more comfortable now, plus more productive. It’s taxing to type when your hands are half frozen.

cooling technology



