My roommate plus I got into a little fight about laundry of all things an hour ago. It seems like every time I need to clean my clothes, she has a load in the washer. This week, I asked her if she could give me an afternoon or two when she wasn’t washing clothes, which didn’t seem to go over too well with her. It’s just that every time I want to clean my clothes, there is a load of hers running in the machine. I only do a load once a week, and each time I try, I can’t. Heating and A/C tech is my main job, and it keeps me busy most of the time, so it would be nice if I could clean my clothes when I have some free time. In the grand scheme of things, this isn’t a big deal, but my friend and I need to find a solution so that I can get some clean clothes. My heating company has a washing machine in the back room, and if it comes down to it, I’ll just do my laundry while working at the Heating and A/C company. People will actually think I am crazy, but what else is new? I’ve been called crazy since I made my own temperature control system for my old car, which didn’t have an air conditioner. I would hold the important cardboard sunshade out my window and have it scoop up air as I drove, which I’m sure gave a lot of people driving next to me a kick. Homemade air conditioning can be a nice thing.