Telecommuting tech; I can diagnose the Heating plus Air Conditioning over the cellphone

When this global pandemic began I really didn’t know how I was going to continue holding a job; I have been in a position that requires me to interact with humans face to face everyday… Besides that, I actually have to go into their homes in order to diagnose their failing heating plus cooling systems, then you see, I have been a professional plus certified Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist for over 20 years.

In those 20 years, I have seen a lot of air quality technology come to fruition that has completely changed the Heating plus Air Conditioning game! However, I have not seen major technological swings that impact the way my buddy and I do business.

In order to perform routine repair appointments, repair jobs, plus diagnostics my buddy and I have to be in the field, at the person’s apartment for several hours! Or, that was the case until I realized however it might be possible to telecommute to worried residential Heating plus Air Conditioning appointments, I should say. Instead of putting everybody in danger, I could have the owner of the Heating plus Air Conditioning system Skype me plus their failing air quality control unit at the same time. It turns out, I can actually diagnose broken Heating plus Air Conditioning systems by sound plus virtual inspection. I never knew that I was such a skilled user of modern technology until it was really necessary for me to implement these socially distanced Heating plus Air Conditioning complicationshooting processes. It’s been enormously relieving for my family’s safety plus for opening up more spare time in my life, even after social distancing is over, I don’t know if I want to visit another residential heating plus cooling system in woman ever again.


air quality systems



