The HVAC ductwork prank

I called one of my coworkers, he told me that there must be ghosts in my house

My coworkers and I are always playing tricks on each other, and one of the men left a fish in the back of my truck and the inside of the work truck smelled for nights, and another guy let all of the air out of my tire and I had to spend an extra 5 hours pumping it back up before I could leave for an heating and air conditioning repair. Something undoubtedly absurd and funny happened to me on Wednesday. I had no idea that my coworkers were playing a trick on me, but when I got home from work, it seemed like there was an unusual sound in the house. I couldn’t figure out what the sound was, so I investigated until I realized that that unusual noise was coming from a section in my living room. The noise sounded odd and like nothing that I can remember hearing in the past. I ended up going into the attic so I could investigate the ductwork and the section upstairs. I carefully went into the attic with my flashlight. I broke into the piece of ductwork and I found a basket of nickels inside. It was a small Ziploc basket with several nickels. After I removed the bag, I still heard an unusual sound in the ductwork. This time it was coming from a different area. I found another basket of 7 nickels. I was undoubtedly and totally freaked out. I called one of my coworkers, he told me that there must be ghosts in my house. I could hear someone laughing in the background. I don’t know how the men got into my house, but they were the ones who put the bags in the ductwork.


a/c repairman



