We couldn't sell the place without updating the HVAC

Last summer my hubby decided that my associates in addition to myself needed a little bit more money.

I honestly didn’t think that it was necessary because we already had extra income.

The guy redid most of the area that was above our garage and then turn the place into an efficiency apartment complete with a private toilet as well as shower. There was only one part of the project that was not completed and that was the addition of a heating and air conditioning system. It was cold enough in the winter and temperatures were just fine but my associate in addition to myself would be unable to rent the place out for the summer months unless there was heavy duty air conditioning inside of the room. Both of us talked about the places where we could put a furnace and my associate plus myself also discussed in air conditioner. The two of us grumbled and mumbled for nearly a week before we agreed on installing a ductless heating as well as air conditioning plan. Neither one of us really knew much about the ductless mini split plan. We easily knew it was an efficient ductless Heating and Cooling Contraption because we work for a place where they sold these ductless Heating systems. The two of us got a wonderful price on this mini split and then we talked a heating and air conditioning specialist into installing the system in our garage with a little bit of help. It didn’t take long with two hands working.

Space heater



