We didn’t realize it was getting so cold outside.

By 4 PM, we were out of baked goods and ready to go home

When I went to work that morning, it was forty degrees outside. I didn’t think it would get colder during the day, but I was wrong. Normally I would take five minutes to drink a cup of coffee and watch the morning weather report before going to work. This morning I was running late, and I didn’t get my coffee or weather report. It was 3 AM when I pulled into the bakery, and I should have been there at 2 AM. The ovens were on, and it was warm and cozy inside. No one said anything about me being late, but I was the owner, and no one would dare say anything, unless they were teasing. By 6 AM, we had all the shelves full and people were coming in for their morning coffee and pastries. Someone said it felt like snow outside, but we didn’t notice. The ovens were better than any furnace could hope to be. The only reason we had a furnace system was because of the customers and to keep the bakery from freezing up when we weren’t inside. I had all the inspections done regularly and the HVAC technician came in and changed my air filters regularly. We had an air ventilation system that needed its air filters changed every two weeks. By 4 PM, we were out of baked goods and ready to go home. That’s when we realized how good the heating system was inside. It was cold and snowing two inches an hour. I couldn’t wait to get home, turn up the thermostat, and get warm again, before going back to bed at 7PM.
Heating and air conditioning



