GrainMole! Can you Turn on the Central Heating System?

That’s how my niece says grandma every day about 200 times.

Grainmole! She is nine and has a weird way of saying grandma when she is calling out to my aunt.

Grainmole! Imagine hearing that all day when you are trying to write, it might get a bit stale after a while. Thank goodness for noise canceling headphones and good flute music to drown out the sounds while I am working. Grainmole! I’m just chugging along today with my writing work while listening to an occasional grainmole in the background. I’ll be in another life soon, working for the HVAC business that employs me, and wishing I could hear a grainmole while I clean out ductwork for a customer or business. I didn’t sleep a lot last night because I ate too much dark chocolate and was indulging in Youtube videos of people camping in the frozen north in the woods till way too late. Today I am helping my local contractor friend do some heating and cooling equipment repairs for a few hours. Grainmole, there goes another one. I think she says one grainmole about every five to six minutes if I am correct, which makes about 200 of them in a whole day from morning till night. The air purifier in my bedroom helps drown out a lot of the grainmoles during the day, but occasionally one will squeak by. I am going to have to eat something soon because my stomach is starting to chirp a bit, but I’ll try and knock out about five more articles before doing so. Grainmole!

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