It was hard going for him when he first started, but he was enjoying every minute of it
When my husband told me he wanted to be an HVAC technician, I wasn’t sure what he wanted me to say. He stood there and stared at me, and all I could do was shrug. Was I supposed to tell him it was a good choice, or try to talk him out of it? He enjoyed tinkering with the HVAC system, and I knew he was bored with his job. The next day we sat down and talked about him going to the local college and taking classes for HVAC. I knew they offered classes, and they also did the certification class and the testing. He said it was expensive, but I didn’t care. I thought it would be a good thing for him. For the last five years, he had become disillusioned with his job. If he wanted to be an HVAC technician, I thought it would be a good change. The next day, I went with him to the community college, so he could get all the information he needed about taking HVAC classes. Not only did we get a lot of information, but he made out a check and paid them for the tuition. Classes were starting in less than a week, and he was ready to go. It was hard going for him when he first started, but he was enjoying every minute of it. I enjoyed watching him come home in a good mood, and knowing he was enjoying what he was doing for a change. What’s really nice is that once he gets his HVAC certification, I’ll never need to pay for an HVAC technician.