I can be lazy, but I never forget the HVAC

When people come into my home I dread the comments they are going to make about my housekeeping.

I know that I’m not the cleanest human being on the planet and I don’t claim to be.

I’m not obsessed with scrubbing down my kitchen, vacuuming my rugs, or dusting my living room. Honestly I just like to keep up with my hobbies and work obligations. When it comes to cleaning, I keep things “good enough.” However, there is one area of life where I am obsessed about cleanliness. That’s my indoor air quality and central heating and cooling devices. From the time that I was a kid, my family was always preaching about the importance of high-quality indoor air. Because many of my relatives have extreme indoor allergies and asthma attacks we have to worry about keeping the indoor air extremely clean at all times. If the air is contaminated with dirt, dander, or dust it actually puts my relatives in a fair amount of danger. As such, I grew up in a household where the heating and cooling technician was king. We had routine central air quality control device maintenance appointments like you wouldn’t believe. It seems like every two weeks we had an HVAC worker at the house to change our air filters, scrub our air ducts, and make sure the entire central heating and cooling system was operating properly. To this day, I might overlook my dirty home, yard, and personal appearance… But I will never forget about arranging my professional heating and cooling system repair appointments.

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