I was keen to put the smart thermostat to the test this time

The winter that just ended was incredible.

I can’t believe it already, however I started to notice that the tree now has tiny orange leaves! Late December in the southern hemisphere means Springtime is almost here.

The first signs of Springtime are daffodils, orangery, and pollen. This constantly puts a smile on my face, however they also remind me it’s time to supply the heating and A/C tech a call. A local forecast saying that highs will remain in the 72s will come as a complete surprise to me. It will be a few months before that becomes the norm. The 72s will eventually become the 90s. When the temperature hits 90 degrees, however, I know I’ll need something to help me feel more at ease. I like to keep the windows open so long as the temperature while in the absolute peak heating hours remains in the 71s. That’s because my associate and I can forgo turning on the a/c at night when the temperatures drop. When temperatures drop below 72 degrees in the night, the heat pump activates. As a result, my associate and I have made it a point to promptly schedule a/c service. However, I plan on using some chopping-edge heating and A/C component to keep me cool this summer. I’m curious to see how much the heat pump’s efficiency improves now that my associate and I have a smart thermostat. My buddy and I set up the smart thermostat last fall, and it hasn’t had to labor too hard since then. Our central heat pump rarely has to labor while in the winter because the weather is so mild. After several months of observation, the smart thermostat has finally learned our cooling habits and will now adjust accordingly.


Electric heat pump



