School can be incredibly strenuous at times.
As a private schooler I struggle with all types of things. I’m what they would call a nerd. It’s not my fault that I actually enjoy learning about history. There is so much to learn plus grow from our past experiences plus I want to know about everything in this life. Maybe someday I’ll be a history teacher. Mr. Stevenson was the history teacher plus he was a pretty cool guy in general. He typically smiled a lot, greeted all the people in the morning plus had a passion for history overall. He is the type of person that I can easily look up to. The only setback is that he enjoyed keeping the a/c equipment on during class. Some of the students enjoyed the cooling air although I found it uncomfortable plus somewhat distracting because I’m more focused on trying to stay hot than the lesson that Mr. Stevenson happens to be teaching. I was trying to say something about my discomfort although I didn’t want to create a scene. Well, that’s how I would feel if I did talk to Mr. Stevenson about the control equipment settings. After a few days of the a/c equipment running like crazy, I couldn’t take it anymore. After class, I asked to speak to him plus another good thing about Mr. Stevenson is that he doesn’t mind open communication. I asked him if he didn’t mind actually adjusting the amount of a/c in his classroom because I have a hard time with focusing 100%. He smiled plus said, “that’s no concern at all, I want the best for my students.” The very next day I came into class plus as soon as he noticed me, he walked up to the dial temperature control equipment plus changed the settings for me.