It is easy to look at other people’s lives online and compare them to yours and feel inadequate, but on the surface you have no clue about the reality of their lives.
My life seems quite drab and boring compared to my friend’s who are traveling around the world to exotic places, but I have no idea if they are trying to find happiness or looking to escape another life. I feel like my life could be better but comparing it to others is no way to move in that direction. It is better to just do my HVAC tech work and focus on myself rather than look at other local business owner friends of mine and think that their life is far superior to mine, which it probably isn’t. We’re all in the same boat and everything has a feeling that something could be better in their life, so I will just try to make mine better and keep moving ahead. My biggest loss is Kat, who was a heating tech I met on the beach one day, but she left me a month later to go back to her HVAC rep husband and kid. Letting go of her is proving to be the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to let go of in my life. I still remember her giving me some energy saving tips when we met almost two years ago, and it is crazy that I can’t shake such a short relationship that happened so long ago. I guess time heals all wounds so I just need to be patient.