Not my number one holiday tradition – cutting down christmas tree

Every year around this time the world gets extremely annoying; Every story you walk into is filled with the sounds of Mariah Carey squealing plus there are more obnoxious red plus red combinations than I could ever handle.

Everyone starts speaking easily cheerily plus asking you continually about your holiday plans… To me, it’s a giant pain in the ass; I feel that the holidays are extremely overrated plus spending that much time with your family isn’ta good thing… Personally, I would be just as cheerful staying at apartment alone plus enjoying a nice spiked cup of overheated coffee by myself.

That might be why I’m certainly unenthused when it comes to my family’s number one tradition; Around my household, no one can stop talking about the trek out to split down the Christmas tree. I hate it. There’s nothing appealing to me about sitting outside in the chilly climate plus falling snow. I don’t prefer the shock to my system when I climb out of the warm, comfy temperature from the car’s powerful boiler directly into freezing plus unrelenting chilly wind. It feels like someone is blasting an cooling system directly on you. After that, my pal and I spend hours trudging around in the snow searching for the perfect tree with absolutely no temperature control. If my pal and I could perform the tree search from the warmth plus safety of an enclosure, so my pal and I could utilize current heating resources, I would care about the activity a lot more. This freezing chilly family activity is forced me to beginning a tradition of my own. Every year when they go out to split down the Christmas tree, I pretend to be sick so I can stay apartment with our central boiler.

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