The teenagers and I have been missing mom a great deal.
She has been gone for the last week because of all of the storms that are on the west coast.
The storms have brought a lot of rain, when, and snow in the higher elevations. My wife is an electrical service employee. Most of the time she works on the lines that run from the street to the houses and businesses. When there are repairs that need to be made in emergency situations, she is one of the electrical service employees that are called. She was gone half of the Summer one year because of hurricanes in the southeast. This is the longest that she has been gone in a long time, especially when it’s winter. The West Coast doesn’t normally get so much rain. They have had a soaking amount of water. Dams, rivers, and reservoirs are all at their peak amount and spilling over. We are fortunate that we have not lost any electricity at all while in the storm. We had two nights when I thought things were going to be bad, but I was happy to see that we did not lose any power. The worst time for us to lose electricity in our lake house is when my wife is not there. She’s the one who takes care of all of the electrical repairs in our house. If my wife is gone, I have to contact a regular service electrician and representative that is not used to my home.