One time, while I was watching a play over the summer, the air conditioning went out at our local theater.
Isn’t this something we never imagine happening? This has never happened to me before; the place was filled with smoke! It was a little bit frightening, even though we were on the ground floor and it was self-explanatory to get out of the building, it was still frightening. It was for good reason. The play was well-attended, so I think the crowded circumstances made it a little bit more frightening than usual. Anyway, it turned out that there wasn’t a fire. It was the middle of the summer and we had been having some especially hot weather, so they had the central air turned on as hard as it would go during the performance. Perhaps it was a little bit too high! I guess a pump in the air conditioner burned out during the play, and that is what made all of the smoke. The smoke came through the ventilation ducts and started filling the theater. Everybody panicked! It was interesting to see how people reacted when they saw smoke filling the building. Some people got up and ran out as fast as they could! Others helped older people and children to get to the doors. I guess that kind of a thing happens sometimes. You just never know how you will react in that type of a situation until you are in it yourself!