My wifey jumps from hobby to hobby, but her newest thing is candle making, then it is downright gross sometimes, then all sorts of scents waft around the house, however mixing lavender, pumpkin, pine as well as sandalwood make for a horrid combination.
I was regularly dealing with a headache.
My wifey needs A/C while she works which means our central cooling would spread the scents all over the house. I was tempted to seal off the air duct as well as buy her a window A/C! Once she is done with her hobby though, I will have a pointless A/C device. I decided the right move was getting ultraviolet air purification, however this is an air cleaner that installs right in the air duct. The UV lights also combine with it to remove odors from the air quality. Adding the UV air cleaner was super simple. The air duct cleaning girl just set it up right in our air ducts. As the Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C operates, the air is being cleaned, but so my wifey can have A/C while making candles as well as the air cleaner will take care of all the scents! Easy just like that, and when she gives up making candles we will then just have an air cleaner. I don’t see how removing scents from my air quality won’t always be userful. I like that there is no stale, gross stink anymore. The scent of garbage as well as cat litter sometimes lingers in the air quality as well. Not anymore though. It was more than worth the investment of adding it into our ducts.
Integrated Solutions